Appliance & Furniture Mart in HOLCOMB

Appliance & Furniture Mart Contact Info:

Store: Appliance & Furniture Mart
Origin: Made in USA
Address: 1117 Fleming St, Garden City, KS 67846, USA
Phone: +1 620-275-4197
Zipcode: 67851
States: Kansas
Open Time: Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 1–5PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM

Online mattress related to HOLCOMB

BedInABox Tranquillium Memory Foam Mattress Review

4th time the charm This was my 4th Bed in a Box mattress and all have been charmers. My son received the 1st and I was so impressed, the next two were for me and this latest was for my 89 yr old mother. Excellent price performer and quality continues year after year!—Curtis Great for college students! Just moved into my first apartment at school and slept on an air mattress for the first three weeks. I didn’t want to spend the money on a bed that would be a pain for me to move again in three years! Bed in a Box came right to my door and was so simple to put together, and will be a snap to move later on. Highly recommend!!!!.—Josy